1. Import/Create Keystore File

If you already have a keystore file, you can skip this step. There are two ways to generate a keystore file.

Option 1: With Foundry

Make sure you have Foundry installed. If you are creating a new account, generate a private key with:

cast wallet new-mnemonic --words 12

This will display a new mnemonic phrase and public-private key pair, like this:

test test test test test test test test test test test test

- Account 0:
Address:     0xabcd...1234
Private key: 0x1234...abcd

Next, import the wallet using the private key and create a password for the keystore file:

mkdir -p ~/.aligned_keystore/
cast wallet import ~/.aligned_keystore/keystore0 --interactive

Paste your private key and set a password. The ECDSA keystore file will be created in ~/.aligned_keystore/keystore0.

Option 2: With EigenLayer CLI

If you have EigenLayer CLI installed, you can generate the keystore following these instructions. The key will be stored in ~/.eigenlayer/operator_keys.

2. Fund the Batcher

To submit proofs, you need to fund the transaction using the Batcher Payment System.

To deposit funds, use the following command:

aligned deposit-to-batcher \\
--payment_service_addr 0x815aeCA64a974297942D2Bbf034ABEe22a38A003 \\
--rpc_url <https://ethereum-holesky-rpc.publicnode.com> \\
--chain holesky \\
--keystore_path <keystore_path> \\
--amount 0.1ether

Key flags: